Our Nursery Yard

The proper design is supposed to enhance the architecture of your home, not hide or compete with it. Sixteen Acres Garden Center has been providing professional Landscape & Design services to the surrounding Springfield community for more than 40 years. We employ professionals who take pride in their work and want to deliver satisfaction to our customers. We can take your ideas, your favorite plants and color choices and incorporate them into the perfect design for your home.

  • Wide variety of specimen trees & shrubs, vines & fruits
  • Container shrubs, 1gal. and up including huge selection of flowering shrubs such as Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Andromeda, and more.
  • Container trees, 7 gal. and up including new and unusual varieties of Japanese Maples, Dwarf
  • Conifers, Weeping Spruce and many more.
  • B&B trees, up to 2.5-3.0 inch caliper
  • Unusual hard to find varieties
  • Evergreen and Deciduous Trees
  • New disease resistant varieties
  • Hedges and privacy shrubs such as Arborvitae, Lilac, Viburnum, and so much more.
  • Well maintained and healthy nursery stock is restocked regularly and delivered to your home or business if you wish.
  • Competitive prices
  • Planting and landscape design services available.

Every home can be beautified with tasteful and colorful landscaping.

AndyStop in and meet Andy (at right) our Nursery manager. He, along with the entire nursery staff is available daily to answer any questions you may have about the care and maintenance of your landscape. Visit the fully stocked nursery at Sixteen Acres Garden Center where you will find competitive prices, quality, hard to find varieties, and great people who want to help you. Sixteen Acres Garden Center welcomes customers who would like to establish a commercial wholesale account with our company. In order to establish such an account, certain criteria must be met. If interested contact our nursery directly for more information.