Featured Native Species – Sunflowers!

Today’s Native Species Spotlight is the Sunflower! Native to the eastern United States and Central America, these highly recognizable annuals come in a range of hues, including yellow, orange, and reddish brown. Sunflowers range in size from the smaller potted varieties pictured below to absolutely massive cultivars that reach well over 6 feet tall. Sunflowers […]

The Diverse Types of Butterflies in Western Mass: Creating a Butterfly Haven in Your Garden

Butterflies, with their delicate wings and vibrant colors, bring beauty and enchantment to any garden in Western Mass. These remarkable creatures not only add visual appeal but also play a crucial role in pollination. If you reside in the area, you have the opportunity to attract a diverse array of butterflies to your garden. By […]

Demystifying Garden Fertilizers: NPK, Organic Options, and Application Tips

A thriving garden begins with healthy soil, and using the right fertilizer is essential for nourishing your plants, trees, and shrubs. With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to determine which fertilizer is best for your garden. In this blog post, we’ll explore the basics of garden fertilizers, including understanding the […]

Kitchen Gardens 3 Ways

Creating a Versatile Kitchen Garden: Garden Beds, Raised Beds, and Containers. Introduction A kitchen garden is a fantastic way to grow your own fresh, delicious vegetables, herbs, and berries right in your backyard. With various gardening methods available, such as garden beds, raised beds, and containers, you can easily find the perfect approach to suit […]