Terrariums seem to cycle in and out of style every few decades, but are always enchanting. The current day terrarium trend fits perfectly with our desires to connect with nature and the “be green” joy of reusing and repurposing a variety of objects. They are also wonderful outlets for creativity and self-expression.

While the basic terrarium components of container, “soil”, plants and ornamentation stay the same – the end result runs the miniature-world gamut. Terrarium compositions can be Zen minimal to lush as a fairy tale forest. Plant selections, containers and potting medium can be selected to create environments ranging from rainforest wet to desert dry – no longer restricted by old definitions that required full enclosure and high humidity. The container itself might be shot glass tiny, aquarium large or anywhere in between.

Look for finished terrariums at floral and gift shops or surrender yourself to the full enchantment and create one (or more!) yourself. Check the following resources for guidance and inspiration, as well as materials, tools and even classes!

Helpful, Fun & Inspiring Terrarium Resources

Twig Terrariums of Brooklyn, NY

Window Box.com –Small Space Gardens

The New Terrarium: Creating Beautiful Displays for Plants and Nature
by Tovah Martin and Kindra Clineff

Terrarium Craft: Create 50 Magical, Miniature Worlds
by Amy Bryant Aiello, Kate Bryant, Kate Baldwin

Tiny World Terrariums: A Step-by-Step Guide to Easily Contained Life
by Michelle Inciarrano and Katy Maslow