July signifies a pivotal stage in the gardening year for 16 Acres Garden Center, as the full blast of summer sets in, and the mid-year blossoming season burgeons. This article presents a well-rounded guide on what to do in your 16 Acres Garden Center in July, partitioning the information into five distinct domains: vegetable gardens, lawns, landscapes, container gardens, and flower gardens.

Vegetable Gardens

Planting: July is an opportune moment to plant late-season vegetables such as beans, cucumbers, and summer squash. It’s also the time to strategize for the fall by starting to seed cool-climate vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprouts indoors.

Harvesting: Anticipate a bounty of ripe tomatoes, peppers, summer squash, cucumbers, and early planted corn, ready for harvesting.

Maintenance: Consistent watering and weed control are pivotal, especially during the warm, dry days of summer. Using mulch can help retain soil moisture and shield roots from high temperatures. Be alert for pests and diseases, removing detrimental insects manually and using organic pesticides if needed.


Watering: Your lawn will require around 1 to 1.5 inches of water each week. Opt for deep, less frequent watering to promote deeper root growth.

Mowing: Increase your mowing height to approximately 3 inches to lessen the stress on your grass and minimize water evaporation from the soil.

Fertilizing: It is typically advised to avoid fertilizing in July to prevent scorching your lawn. However, if absolutely necessary, use a slow-release fertilizer.


Planting: Although July is not typically the best month to plant new shrubs and trees due to intense heat, if it’s unavoidable, they must be provided with ample water for successful root establishment.

Pruning: Deadhead perennials and summer-blooming shrubs to encourage new growth.

Watering: Profound watering is essential, especially for recently planted trees and shrubs.

Container Gardens

Planting: Continue planting summer flowers and herbs to ensure a continual display of vivid color and freshness.

Watering: Plants in containers tend to dry out faster, so they may need to be watered daily, especially on hotter days.

Fertilizing: Regular feeding is vital for container plants. Use a water-soluble fertilizer at least once every fortnight.

Flower Gardens

Planting: Keep planting annuals and summer-blooming perennials. To secure a radiant fall display, start seeding fall-blooming plants like asters and mums now.

Deadheading: Regularly remove spent blooms to stimulate further flowering.

Mulching: Apply mulch around your plants to maintain a cool soil temperature, conserve moisture, and keep weed growth in check.

Bear in mind, July at the 16 Acres Garden Center is often marked by high heat and potential dry spells. Make watering all parts of your garden a priority, especially those with recently planted seeds or saplings. Continually monitor for pests and diseases, and most importantly, relish the serene beauty that your hard work has brought to fruition in your garden.