Sixteen Acres Presents: Prime Fall Perennials for Springfield, MA Gardens

As autumn’s embrace tightens around Springfield, MA, gardens take on a radiant display, full of colors and textures. This vivid spectacle is largely due to perennial selections that come into their own during this cooler season. Sixteen Acres takes pride in presenting a curated list of the best-performing autumn perennials perfect for Springfield gardens. Dive […]

August Gardening Tips from 16 Acres Garden Center: Embrace the Bounty of Your Summer Garden

As August arrives, your garden is in full bloom and radiating with vibrant colors. 16 Acres Garden Center is delighted to provide you with valuable tips to make the most of this delightful month. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting your green journey, here are some suggestions for each category in your garden: […]

Embracing Microbes and Mycorrhizae: A Green Thumb’s Guide to Eco-Friendly Gardening

Gardening has long been seen as an engagement between the gardener, the soil, and the plants. With the advent of sustainable gardening practices, this interaction is becoming more inclusive, welcoming a host of unseen, yet crucial, allies – the soil microbes and mycorrhizal fungi. By using microbial inoculants and mycorrhizae, home gardeners can enhance their […]

Green Thumb Guide: How to Seamlessly Transition Your Outdoor Houseplants Indoors

Greetings, dear patrons of 16 Acres Garden Center! As the season of sun-drenched days and warm breezes gradually gives way to cooler temperatures, it’s time to think about guiding your outdoor houseplants back to their indoor abodes. If you’re not sure how to handle this seasonal switch, don’t worry! We’re here with a comprehensive guide […]

Gardening for Mental Health: Therapeutic Benefits of Getting Your Hands Dirty

Hello to all garden enthusiasts out there! We’re your friendly neighborhood crew from 16 Acres Garden Center, dedicated to making the world a greener place, one seedling at a time. If you’ve ever felt a wave of serenity while sowing seeds or a sense of excitement watching your seedlings push through the soil, you’re not […]